Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Appliqued Blocks for the 72 Block Farmer's Wife Quilt

Hi, here are pictures of the 24 appliqued blocks I am going to use in the 72 block "Farmer's Wife quilt. I spent yesterday and this AM getting everything ready. I cut all the sashing strips, setting triangles, (the quilt will be set on point), corner triangles, cornerstones, borders, backing and binding. I then attached one sashing strip to the side of each block. I have sewn together the sashing strips, borders, backing and binding and so everything is ready to be put together. Tomorrow Tom leaves for a few days and I will lay out the quilt blocks with the sashing strips and will post a picture for comments on my layout, then if all is okay, I will sew together the quilt top. This is a big operation and I thought the blocks were a project!!


  1. Your quilt is going to be a treasure! Beautiful colors.


  2. I am in awe of what you have accomplished!
    Your squares are beautiful.

  3. De superbe travaux j'admire beaucoup tous ces merveilleux projets,quel joie !
    bon travail a toutes
